The Facts:

  • The Russian overseas property market is now estimated to be worth in excess of $.22 billion.
  • A rise of 33% in demand for property abroad in 2013.
  • The Russian economy continues to show growth.
  • Russia is one of the largest exporters of crude oil and the results are seen in the economy.
  • Most Russians do not have mortgages resulting in substantial disposable income to invest in real estate abroad.
  • Russia is home to more than 1 million so called "mass affluent" with up to $.425,000 in cash assets.
  • Expats living in Russia are amongst the highest paid worldwide with 36% earning in excess of $.250,000 per year.
  • online version
    of the current issue, #27:

    All issues: PDF versions of all issues of the International Residence Magazine

Advertising Rates

Publication dates:
  • Issue #27 - Spring/Summer issue, March - 2017
  • Issue #28 - Autumn/Winter issue, October - 2017
Deadline for materials:
  • Issue #27 - 15 February 2017
  • Issue #28 - 15 September 2017
International Residence, offers a choice of advertising possibilities to potential Russian investors:

Display Advertisements

Display advertisements are printed throughout the magazine and allow advertisers to create a display advertisement using your own style, logos and layout.

Double Page Spread€.3,960.-
Full Page€.2,450.-
Inside front cover€.4,890.-
Inside back cover€.4,890.-
Back Cover€.6,000.-
French Cover€.6,890.-
Half Page€.1,325.-
Quarter Page€.750.-


Advertorial advertisements are an optimal way to promote your destinations, services and properties of your company. It will be written in editorial style including photographs and contact details.

Double page spread€.3,100.-
Full Page€.2,100.-
Half Page€.1,100.-

Participation in the special column "Expert advice"

One of the most popular forms of advertising based on the "trust factor": readers` questions - professionals` answers.

Double page spread€.2,500.-
Full Page€.1,500.-
Half Page€.1000.-

Real Estate listings catalogue

1/9th page Property Listing advert in our "What you can buy for €.???" (includes: photo, text and contact details):

1 Real Estate listing€.249.-

Making up of your advertisement
Making up of your advertisement€.300.-

*Prices are for space only and do not include any artwork or design. Prices are indicated in EURO and include all taxes.


For further information please contact:

Mr. Kim Waddoup
The International Residence Magazine

Russia, 121170, Moscow,
Kulneva str, 3, bld. 1, office 519
Tel.: +7 495 777-25-77

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